I grabbed this CD when I saw Palmerston North band,Wall of Silents live at Valve in Wellington. It's definitely metal with a heavy punk and maybe death metal/grind influence. On their myspace page Wall of Silents claim BBlack Sabbath, Motorhead, Sticky Filth, High on Fire, Slayer, Exploited, Poison Idea, The Misfits, Turbonegro, Punk Rock, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Stoner Rock, Doom, Horror movies, comics, and skulls as influences.
The CD opens with a sample from a horror movie which sets the feel of this CD then a sample from the cult movie, Repoman which gets the thumbs up here. The vocals of James Skeletor bring slower death metal bands like Obituary to mind or Lemmy doing imitation zombie vocals. The guitar sound is heavy on distortion and the drums thankfully don't go into all out thrash or death mode and give the music more of a rock/punk/metal feel. The production could be described as murky but it fits with the style of music. This is a CD to play loud. My picks for standout songs are Samurai, Fuck Off and Last House on The Left.
Some of the bands older and more recent material can be heard on their myspace page
This CD is NZ $10 from the band. For more info email the band wallofsilentsATslaveDOTcoDOTnz
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